The New Haab and New Year Bearer of 2015

The two lines represent the fangs of a snake.

The two lines represent the fangs of a snake.

The haab, or 365-day solar calendar of the Maya, begins anew on March 6, 2015, according to the Gran Wayeb system used by some Maya in Guatemala today. This means that tomorrow, March 1 commences the five-day wayeb, days for contemplation rather than action. The new Year Bearer will be 3 Snake.

2015 is the Year of the Snake, a time of truth, justice and direct action. Prepare yourself for these dramatic changes in your personal life. Also watch for major events on the global scene, as the Year Bearer influences the world and its leaders. For more information about the Gran Wayeb and new Year Bearer, see the site below:

The Gran Wayeb and New Year Bearer

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