Category Mayan Websites, Blogs

Today is 2 Knife in the Mayan calendar, so it’s a good day to

cut things out of one’s life or discard things that are no longer needed or are getting in the way. I am going to delete all of my FB “friends” who have demonstrated their lack of a sense of humor that is developed enough to get my jokes. (I just say ’em folks; I don’t […]

More Mayan Websites

Mayan Majix Founded by the late Ian Lungold, Mayan Majix is a veteran site with a variety of info on Mayan astrology, the calendars, prophecies and ruins. Hundreds of articles and photos. New Paradigm Mayan Astrology Mayan astrology for the New Aeon and the 5D construct. Based on authentic Mayan astrology as practiced today in the Guatemalan highlands, […]